Take a walk with me.

Last week my husband and I didn’t get a chance to take our daily walks. The whole week we had a deadline we were working on so we got our steps in another way.

We had a tracker and all the work we did each day measured over 5,000 steps. One day it measured 10,000 steps. We had some really sore footsies that day. We got our walks that week a different way. Not the way I like, as you all know I love my nature walks instead. Anyway, this walk I’m sharing with you today is from another nature walk I took. We live close to a lake so nature walks are easy for us at the moment.

We bounce around a lot and fix things, broken homes that is. There is chaos in places around the world, and all it takes to change that is a little TLC, and time…lots of time. Everyone can do their part to fix what’s broken…one baby step at a time. Each step leads to another and another. The end goal will amaze you. And now that my kiddos are grown, with one still in the university, I have time to work on my dream goals. Anyway, my favorite places are near water, I love lakes and creeks.

Before I share some of our walking pictures with you I thought I share some pictures from our newest project we are working on. It’s not so pretty right now. Don’t let dirt scare you away, a little hard work never hurt anyone.

It’s hard to believe this dumpster started out empty. This is our second dumpster we have filled so far. It’s a huge project we have taken on, but not anything our family hasn’t taken on before. Time to make something old and make it new once again. The old wooden cradle sadly could not be saved, it had wood rot.
It helps when there are lots of trees around. You need places of peace when you fix the broken, A big old tree is the perfect place to take a seat and have a rest.
My favorite tree has always been the Cottonwood tree but looking up through the branches of this Dogwood tree, I must say…I might have found a new favorite. Wow…what beauty. If you stay very still, and don’t make a sound, the leaves and the wind working together make beautiful music. Each tree has it’s own unique song it plays. When it comes to the songs of the trees, the Cottonwood leaves are still number one in my book.
Finally the attic is empty. I think this would make a nice small office and quiet place. There are two windows in the attic that overlook that giant Dogwood tree, Then across the stairs is a beautiful purple tree, I have no idea what it is, but I love how the window upstairs frames that tree when you walk up the stairs.
Vintage art from the attic. My son cleared the attic out one morning and he saved all the things he knew I would like to look over. This frame was one of those items. The house has a pretty cool story and history to it, which we will be including in the design.
Taking a break on the porch. The shop is in the background, what I will be trying to design into a retail space .
Starting to see some progress, there’s actually a floor in this room. I found lots of furniture that I will be cleaning up, For decades it sat in the dark. I already have ideas for this chair. I have some really bright and colorful fabric to make a new cushion for it’s seat. I won’t be painting it, the wood grain and type of wood is too pretty to cover.
Time to close up and go home, almost two dumpsters down and more to go.

And now for some peaceful photos of our nature walk, which we took the next day. When ever you are working on something broken, always take time to rest and refresh. I hope your all out there getting in some walking time yourselves, and being outside in nature. Even if just around your neighborhood, which is nice too. You can greet and get to know your neighbors on your walks, or a walk in a city park or local zoo. You can even walk indoors at a mall. In Arizona there is a mall in Scottsdale that is three floors, it’s huge. This post is pre-scheduled so it was written months after the walk happened.

I pre-scheduled a ton of post to concentrate on the three buildings we are working on so the photos down below are not going to be the same if you are walking in May/June, compared to the time I am writing this, which is April/May. Sometimes I will be out of that area after I write. My husband and I like to bounce around a lot. I think it is important to do that when you’re on social media.

Green is starting to grow along the ridges of this little creek.
This is a favorite hang out in. There are frogs and tiny guppies that swim around under all the green that’s growing .
The grass is taking off and covering the ground like a nice carpet covering.
This little bird up in the branches had the coolest chirp. I stopped for awhile to listen to it sing.

Here are some photos from the month of May. By the end of May the leaves were popping out everywhere.

This tree reminds me of Pippi Longstocking, and To Kill a Mocking Bird. Two of my favorite books as a child. I read the adventures of Pippi from the ages of 8-10, I blame Pippi for my love of little monkeys. My husband thinks I am crazy, but I think monkeys are so funny and cute.
The kids love jumping on ropes around swimming holes, this one has been used a lot.


  1. Liz says:

    It looks lovely around there. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Liz, you would love it, very peaceful and so much nature to look at.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved that Vintage picture from your attic!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, there were some really nice items we found, old furniture, dishes, tools, an old radio down in the basement. I found a tiny old oil can, so unique. Those old homes are fun to explore and clean up.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We had an oil can like that from my grandfather’s house. My mother told me he used it to bring kerosene into the house for heating in the winter. They kept a big drum of it outside the house.


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