Repurposing an old clock.

For months now I have been hitting my favorite stores looking for something to store my potatoes, onions, apples and citrus in. But everything I somewhat like, always ends up being over $100, and that’s the sale price, which is over my budget.

I don’t really need a pantry organizer, so no emergency or anything…I just want one, to make the pantry a little more organized. Anything I want usually gets put on the back burner as not important, so it can wait. If it is meant to be, something will come up I always tell myself, or I will come up with something myself.

Then one morning sitting at my kitchen table I looked over an old clock we had that I was using for art storage and decided to turn that into my pantry organizer. I didn’t like the color though. I spent the day repainting the whole clock case. I forgot to take a before photo.

I used some of my vintage bowls to store the fruit in.

I had a plastic basket container to store the onions in. And the garlic was stored in a glass bowl. Fresh garlic is so yummy.

We got the clock free from a clock maker that used old clock parts to make new clocks with and then he would get rid of the cases they came in. They make nice food pantries. Happy repurposing everyone, remember, keep items out of the dump, make it into some new again.