ASD table time crafts…a patriotic banner.

This banner was made during one of my kid’s home school lessons outside in the woods. We would do lessons everywhere when they were little. Just pick a table out in nature and work on something fun together. The birds and critter can keep you company. Pack a lunch, afterwards you can have a picnic by the creek.

This craft project will cover fine motor, speech, colors, shapes and cutting skills. You will need…

card stock paper in red, white and blue
A star template to trace with. You can use a star shape cookie cutter.
hole puncher
toothpicks/masking tape (optional)

Using a template trace around stars onto card stock. One red, then white and then blue. If you have a template with several star sizes, cut out different sizes of stars.

Cut out stars, then using a hole puncher, punch a hole into all the centers of the stars.

Take about 3-5 stars and cut the stars into smaller sizes. This is a fun way to practice those cutting skills. The straws will fly all around when you cut them, which usually makes children laugh like it’s a game. You will use the straws like beads in-between the stars when you string your banner,

I use a toothpick and tape the yarn to that for an easy way to string the stars when you are making the banner. If the straws are wide enough they shouldn’t be too hard to put strings through but some stars are thinner then other. Like drink straws, coffee straws, and milk shake straws…they all have different widths.

When you have all your supplies ready start stringing your star banner together. This is a good way to work on one and two step directions for speech therapy lessons. After you have strung your star strip then you just tie the ends several times so they don’t slip through. Then hang up above the windows or from ceilings, on the porch. Happy 4th of July everyone.